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Tag: dickybag

Buy in haste, repent at leisure!

Our ethos has always been to make a fantastic product which does the job properly! We have achieved this whilst paying our brilliant Cornish production people a good wage and all the rightful VAT and Corportation Tax (a very strange ethos to have apparently these days). To put it in short, our prodcuts are Made in England, by adults. An unfortunate consequence in having this ethos is that our products...

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Top Dog Names of 2010

Each year dogs everywhere look forward with anticipation to releasing its list of most popular dog names for the year.  They do cat names too but I’m not particularly interested in those… and for good reason I’m sure you’ll agree! The list includes the top 10 most popular celebrity-inspired pet names and I thought it might be a nice way to round off 2010 if...

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A New Years Resolution for you to consider…

So here we are at the beginning of another year and I’ve got a proposition for all you dog owners out there… You see your loyal and trustee companion’s (for the most part) can’t type and haven’t yet learnt to master the art form of blogging as I have (but give them time…) and so I feel it is my duty as their official spokesperson to ask you to please include...

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Winning the X Factor isn’t everything… Matt Cardle misses his dog!

Well, it’s Christmas Eve and it’s all very exciting isn’t it?  Christmas is the perfect time for taking stock of the great things you have in your life and so it was nice to read that despite having one of the most incredible ends to the year possible and winning the X Factor, what Matt Cardle would really like is the opportunity to chill out with his dog and his family or go for...

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Dogs that look like their owners a LOT!

Now it’s a well known fact that dogs tend to look like their owners… or the other way around – but when I came across this video I just couldn’t believe my eyes! It got me thinking – is the saying “opposites attract” even remotely true?  If dogs choose people that look so obviously just like them surely this age old saying needs re-writing? It also made...

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Does your dog need to chill out?

For all those nay sayers out there that think that dogs are not the most fun loving and easy going fellows… watch this video! This chap frankly puts some of his human friends to shame here… but look at how completely relaxed he is.  In his element isn’t he!  So if your dog is in need of a little R&R – perhaps get him a skateboard with his Dickybag this Christmas? I’m...

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Harvey Nichols “The Must Have Accessory this Christmas is Canine”

Tempers are soaring after the Christmas advert from Harvey Nichols (which depicts dogs as fashion accessories) was first aired!! This is a blog post about it from the Editor of Dogs Today  in which she shares the offending advert along with her views and also those of Clarissa Baldwin OBE, the Chief Executive of Dogs Trust and the inventor of the phrase “A dog is for life not just Christmas”: It...

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Who let the dogs out?

I’m told I have several rather unusual habits… wearing a crown for example and speaking in the rather regal tone of bark in which I do… oh and picking up after myself in order to use my beloved Dickybag. However I could hardly believe my eyes when a Dickybag customer sent in this video of Canine Conundrums!  What on earth are these fellows thinking? Does your dog have any hilarious...

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Fit as a butchers dog!

Good day fellow cat herders! Dicky here! Today I had to explain to my human that it was perfectly acceptable and quite normal for me to want another walk, nay another two walks per day!  My reasoning behind this?  I’m a dog- it’s what I do, I’m a roamer… ever watch the littlest hobo? Ah now there’s a fellow with the right idea – all he does is walk…and...

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Ten Doggy Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is under 2 weeks away and the usual questions of what to buy those special people in your life are bound to be flying around at breakneck speed… But what about your canine companions? What will you be buying them this Christmas? Here is a list of ten suggestions for a Merry Doggy Christmas! 1. Obviously no Top Ten Doggy Xmas list would be complete without our very own Dickybag! A...

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