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Tag: e coli

Why Anne Main is Wrong

I feel there are few people better placed to comment on the behaviour and attitude of dog owners in regards to dog fouling. For the last 8 years I have travelled the UK and spoken to hundreds of thousands of dog owners about the problem of dog fouling, including the dumped poo bag problem the lack of bins and where they believe it is acceptable to not pick up. The biggest problem is not the lack...

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Top 5 facts about Dog Poo

I know it’s not a nice subject but I find myself getting increasingly annoyed by silly comments made by people in an atempt to justify why they don’t pick up their dogs mess.  Like most people I used to believe that the worst thing about dog poo was stepping in it or getting it on the wheels of pushchairs or bikes but after some research I’ve discovered there is a far more sinister...

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Dog poo poisons the water table

I wouldn’t consider myself a green activist, but whilst doing research into the Dicky Bag I came across some disturbing facts about the harm dog poo causes to the water table.  Many people justify not picking up after their dog by stating that is more environmentally friendly to leave it to break down naturally – well they’re wrong. 

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